As of today, veraPDF is maintained at with new versions released approximately once a year. Apart from fixes for the reported issues it also includes the support for the new PDF/A and PDF/UA related standard updates and technical publications of the PDF Association.

Historically, veraPDF’s initial development roadmap included five milestones based on the PREFORMA project’s schedule for the development phase, which run from October 2014 to June, 2017.

veraPDF Milestones explained

The PREFORMA project was divided into four sub-phases:

  • First Prototyping phase: May 2015 – October 2015
  • Redesign phase: November 2015 – February 2016
  • Second Prototyping phase: March 2016 – December 2016
  • Final Testing phase: January 2017 – June 2017

Milestones and Software Releases

Following the Post Redesign release, veraPDF software releases occur monthly, although each milestone gets a specific release. The milestones represent the very latest point by which a feature should be implemented.

veraPDF 1.0

30th June 2017

Having completed PREFORMA’s Phase 3 (Testing), version 1.0 of the shipping software was released.

Release Candidate (RC) 1.0

20th December 2016

Ready for PREFORMA’s Phase 3 (Testing), the Release Candidate will include additional language support, and integration with:

PDF/A Validation Complete Release

15th July 2016

The fourth release will support validation of all PDF/A versions and levels. All core software features should be implemented.

Post Redesign Release

28th February 2016

The third formal release of veraPDF included Release Candidates of all PDF/A validation profiles.

PDF/A1-b Release Candidate

31st October 2015

The second formal software release included some useful functions:

  • a release candidate PDF/A1-b validation;
  • PDF features reporting; and
  • a polished, cross-platform installer.

Prototype features included:

  • metadata fixing & policy checking;
  • model and parser support for PDF/A2 & PDF/A3;
  • a browser based web GUI; and
  • HTML5 reporting.

First Public Release

15th July 2015

The first public release was a prototype of the veraPDF validation library with few features.